What is PAK MMA to me?

Ali Haider has been a part of the Pak MMA team for over 2 years now, he is not just a fan of the sport but also a fan of MMA in Pakistan,  he is a devoted  member of the team and will be writing frequently for the page.

Pak MMA means a lot to me because I have personally learnt a lot of things from it. I would like you to know what Pakmma is? Pak MMA, MIXED MARTIAL ARTS in PAKISTAN, is an organization, based in Lahore, and has its Gym named Synergy MMA academy.  PAKMMA is founded by the famous and beloved Bashir Ahmad. He came from the States and his dream was to bring this game of MMA into Pakistan. He left states and came to Pakistan and started this organization and Gym.

PAK MMA supplies gloves, shin pads, rash guards and many other things related to MMA.

When I first came to the first gym named Shaheen, I was like where have I come, I don’t want to learn boxing, what the heck is this? I took 2 or 3 lessons, I saw the people there and the coach Bashir Ahmad it was amazing. They all were so friendly and I never use to make friends. But when I joined this club I made many friends. Afnan Iftikhar and Waqar Umar became my best friends. They both are like my brother, not like my brothers, they are my brothers.

I used to call Bashir Ahmad “Bashir bhai” from the very start. He is a very honest and a very loving person.

Now we all are like family, Pak MMA is a family. If I am out and I am with my Pak MMA friends and I am late , my mom calls me and ask where am I? I tell her that I am with my gym friends and she knows that I am fine with them because they also my family.

Now we have a great gym named Synergy MMA Academy owned by Bashir Ahmad we really enjoy there during our trainings. We do very hard training and have a lot of fun. We will start dancing when we are free, have a few jokes, play around with each other, it is just amazing.  It is very difficult to explain in words that how this PAK MMA means to us.

I will always help my PAKMMA team in their hard work and what they are doing for MMA to grow in Pakistan.



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