First MMA Cage EVER in Pakistan starting construction

Now we know that in our country everyone likes to add “First Time in Pakistan!” Chances are you might even see this nonsense on a board for shop selling Daal Chavel. Most of the time it’s just some sort of gimmick. As the sport grows your bound to see fake masters and others jumping on the MMA bandwagon and claiming to be first time in Pakistan. So we really don’t like saying it, we like to show it and I think our track record says as much.

Well for the hell of it…FIRST TIME IN PAKISTAN…PAKMMA under sponsorship from PAK FIGHT CLUB is manufacturing the country’s first MMA cage. This is to be a proper 30 foot cage, the same dimensions as used in the UFC and is to be in the octagon shape.

The picture you see on the homepage for this article and other pictures which you can see here on our facebook page.

Right now what is going is that the steel workers are drawing a diagram in the dirt (only in Pakistan!) upon which they got PAKMMA’s feedback and which they will then use to begin construction of the cage.

This is for real guys! We’ll keep you updated with pictures as they come. And if anyone is interested in having a cage constructed for export. Please contact us at or leave a post on our wall. Rates are much more reasonable than if you were to buy anywhere else with the added knowledge that THE MMA HQ of Pakistan is in charge of manufacturing and will be supervising each and every project as we currently are for PAK FIGHT CLUB.




  • <cite class="fn">Ehtisham Karim</cite>

    and MMA PAKISTAN does again, FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!!!! great work guys. and big up for PAK FIGHT CLUB…..although the name THREE BEARD PRODUCTIONS sounds…….you know!!!! But,they’re way better than the other beardies we got around here. i’ll suggest and request to extend the dates of the competition and make in the first or second week of June,2011 instead of May 29th.

    Heartiest Wishes and Full Support!!!

  • <cite class="fn">Fazal</cite>

    Fantastic news and a monumental effort on your behalf to move the sport forward.
    I can’t wait to come back to Pakistan to test it out.

    Keep up the good work!

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