PAKMMA is looking for sponsorship from Pakistans MMA manufacturing sector
It’s official. PAKMMA is on the world stage. It is high time that different groups in this country begin working together to put this country on the MMA map. So we are offering a deal to any Sialkot based manufacturer that is a once in a lifetime opportunity. With the ONEFC partnership it is only a matter of time before fighters from Pakistan are to be announced on a ONE FC card or within the ONE FC network. In order to be successful on this stage PAKMMA will need to set up a proper training camp with the country’s top fighters from different disciplines. For this training camp there will be things that PAKMMA will need to procure in order to have the best possible training camp without any major injuries to any of the prospective fighters.
Here is what we are offering, in exchange for high quality equipment needed to run the training camp (we will detail equipment needed to whomever contacts us) We will endorse your company on our fan page, website and on clothing worn on any international fights for a period of 3 months or one international fight (whichever comes first).
This is your chance to get associated with the top name in Pakistani MMA. Associating yourself with our brand will give you the legitimacy and credibility you need to get top clients from around the world. Think about it, who do you think a company would choose to do its manufacturing? An unknown company they searched through Google? Or the equipment sponsor for PAKMMA, an organization that is pioneering MMA in Pakistan and is gaining acceptance in the Asian MMA scene?
We are going to keep this deal open until the end of November. Whereupon we will review it and change course if need be.
If interested, please call 0334 413 7706 or email