PAKMMA Shin Guards

PAKMMA Shin Guards

*Note: PAKMMA Shin guards are currently out of stock. If you would like to order some for yourself or gym or would like to make any other sort of custom MMA order please email PAKMMA shin guards are some of our most popular items. These neoprene backed shin guards slide on and have a nice snug fit that makes them perfect for use during grappling/striking sparring. These things will not slip off and will…

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PAKMMA is looking for sponsorship from Pakistans MMA manufacturing sector

PAKMMA is looking for sponsorship from Pakistans MMA manufacturing sector

It’s official. PAKMMA is on the world stage. It is high time that different groups in this country begin working together to put this country on the MMA map. So we are offering a deal to any Sialkot based manufacturer that is a once in a lifetime opportunity.  With the ONEFC partnership it is only a matter of time before fighters from Pakistan are to be announced on a ONE FC card or within the…

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PAKMMA manufacturing and custom MMA gear set to officially launch!

PAKMMA manufacturing and custom MMA gear set to officially launch!

Mixed Martial Arts Pakistan has been, along with training fighters and promoting the sport of MMA in Pakistan and South Asia in general, working with MMA gear manufacturing. Who else in Pakistan is more qualified and knowledgeable about the sport and it’s equipment requirements than PAKMMA? Search the current manufacturers throughout the country (maybe even all throughout Asia!) and find one that trains in MMA…fights in MMA or even WATCHES MMA? You probably won’t, and…

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